When the Second World War ended in 1945, imagine the conversation amongst the leading lights of the future West Germany's leaders.
After several attempts, military domination of Europe was shown to be impossible, doomed by Germany's central position to always fight wars on two fronts against collectively superior forces.
What should be the methods to achieve the Germans' long standing objectives of prosperity for their own people. If military domination and plunder were no longer possible, then perhaps peaceful economic domination could be achieved. But how?
Providing jobs for their men was key. Unemployment led to WW2. The Devil truly makes work for idle hands. But the only customers were abroad, so exports were the solution. As exports rose, so the Deutsch Mark rose in value but never as much as it should do to rebalance the trading surplus of Germany.
The currency surplus's were disguised and recycle through the capital markets to purchase foreign assets.
A way to lock in the Germans' competitive advantage was to do away with currency exchange rates altogether. Abolish all the European currencies and have one currency for everywhere in Europe.
The Germans entered the new Euro currency at a deliberately undervalued rate, locking in forever a 20% competitive price advantage. They bought off the other Countries by letting them enter the Euro at inflated values. They got lots of Euros for their currency, but ever after are bled by permanent trade deficits with Germany.
When the other Countries had no more money the Germans lend it to them. When the other Countries can't repay, the Germans confiscate the others money directly from their bank deposit accounts. Cyprus first, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland next.
If the debtor nations don't pay in money, the Germans just take their key assets instead.
Permanent paupers being leached off by the Germans.
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